Meets weekly in person on Mondays | 6-9 PM | Oct 15th 2023 - May 20th 2024
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.
- Matthew 10:8
PKM is a school of ministry designed to equip the saints to do the work of Jesus Christ and to bring the Kingdom of God in its fullness. If you have a passion to learn and do the ministry that Jesus did, then PKM is for you. You are going to learn how to move in healing, how to prophecy, how to experience the Holy Spirit and also learn some great foundational truths about your identity in Christ. Every week, there will be a teaching time through video, a small group discussion time and an activation time when you get to participate in doing the things you are learning.
Contact Raghu Velaga if you are curious about joining this life-changing journey.