For over 20 years, the Vineyard Church in Hyde Park has been a missional community set apart for God’s purposes. In 1996, God connected a small group Bible study of University of Chicago students with Rand Tucker, whom God was leading to start a new church in Hyde Park. After a few autumn sneak preview services, the group hosted its first Sunday Morning Gathering on January 11, 1998. Eighty-five people crowded into a small room at the Hyde Park Neighborhood Club as part of the birth of this new congregation, and we continue to celebrate our January anniversary each year as a testament to God’s faithfulness in this community of his people. We’ve grown from a young congregation primarily composed of university students to a church family that represents the diversity of both the local neighborhood and people from all across the city.
From the very beginning to the present day, we believe that God’s mission through the Hyde Park Vineyard is to produce world changers and world-changing churches who are 100% devoted to Jesus, each other, and others in the world. Through the years, we’ve gathered in different locations around the neighborhood, from a community center, to a high school, to a seminary chapel. We came to a significant moment in 2016, however, when God miraculously opened the door for us to purchase our first home as a church family at 5333 S. Greenwood Ave. We were able to celebrate our 20th Anniversary in this new space with many church members and Vineyard alumni who traveled from across the country to return and remember together the work that God has done among us.
With an eye towards God’s faithfulness, we believe God is continuing to move in our community to grow our devotion to Jesus, each other, and others in the world. We live this out as we gather together for worship, as we meet in Life Groups throughout the week, and as we seek to serve others both in our city and around the world through our global partnerships. As we look forward to the years ahead, we believe that God is calling us to carry out his mission as one church in multiple locations and multiple languages. We are trusting God to lead us for the next seasons of our life together as a church family, and we would love to invite you to join us in what God is doing amongst us, together.